MŰCSARNOK / Kunsthalle - Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich: Homage to Photographic Masters
MŰCSARNOK / Kunsthalle – 1146 Budapest, Dózsa György út 37.
Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich: Homage to Photographic Masters
2018.02.28. – 06.03.
Opening hours Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 10:00–18:00, Thursday 12:00–20:00 Saturday, Sunday 10.00-18.00
The Budapest Photo Festival opens its program flow with a unique exhibition in 2018 too. The project of the renowned American photographer Sandro Miller, and the famous actor John Malkovich will sure to enchant audience. Read more…
KISCELLI MÚZEUM - Still life - contemporary Hungarian photography
Kiscelli Múzeum – 1037 Budapest, Kiscelli utca 108.
Still life – contemporary Hungarian photography
2018.04.07 – 06.24.
Opening hours: Tuesday-Sunday 10.00-18.00
Budapest Photo Festival traditionally invites photographers to think and create in a classical photographic genre – presenting the attitudes of contemporary Hungarian photographers. With our photo competition Still life, we searched for contemporary reflexions on Still life. From the nearly 300 applications that arrived for our open call, our curators ( Rita Somosi and Klára Szarka) selected the exhibitors of our Still life exhibition. Read more…
FESTIVALCENTER - Invisible Cities / Paulo Nozolino and José Manuel Rodrigues - Contemporary Portuguese Photography
FESTIVALCENTER / Budapest Projekt Galéria – 1053 Budapest, Kossuth Lajos utca 14-16.
Invisible Cities / Paulo Nozolino and José Manuel Rodrigues – Contemporary Portuguese Photography
2018.03.03. – 03. 31.
Opening hours: Tuesday – Saturday: 14.00-20.00
Paulo Nozolino is one of the central figures of contemporary photography. His dark symbolist universe confronts us with the solitude of the metropolis, and the isolation and destruction of modern society. Sharp contrasts, glowing lights and black colors express his personal visual diary. Expressive symbolism is the focus of José Manuel Rodrigues’s art. The exhibition is held with the cooperation of Instituto Camões in Budapest and the Portuguese Photography Center. Read more…
SZÉPHÁROM KÖZÖSSÉGI TÉR - Alain Laboile: La Famille
Széphárom Közösségi Tér
1053 Budapest, Szép u. 1/b.
Alain Laboile: La Famille
2018.03.24. – 04.28.
Opening hours: Tuesday – Saturday: 14.00-20.00
Works of French photographer, Alain Laboile will be first time exhibited in Hungary in the collaboration of Budapest Photo Festival and Institut Francais Budapest. His series ‘ La Famille’ shows the bucolic yet timeless ordinary days of his own family, from the angle of a father of six. The exhibition is part of Budapest Photo Festival and Francophone Festival. Read more…
ARTPHOTO GALÉRIA – Attila Hupján - Try it differently
ARTPHOTO GALÉRIA – 1111 Bartók Béla út 30.
Attila Hupján – Try it differently
2018.03.12 – 03.30.
Opening hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 15.00-19.00
The photographer Attila Hupjan first started making photos using a camera obscura as a result of an innocent workshopexercise; afterwards he became a part of this world: “I have become a camera obscura photographer. And after years ofpracticing, I truly became one. It has become my world, despite all attempts to persuade me to abandon it. Not out ofstubbornness, but out of the pursuit of pleasure. It allows me to depict the world using the simplest of tools. I tried otherways, and yet this is the right one for me. The photographs exhibited in Artphoto Gallery are conceived in the triangle of time, space, and shape – the coreprinciples of camera obscura – and are only supposed to show what the viewer can see from them. For some it mightshow the moment, and maybe, for some, it might show the whole journey.
ARTPHOTO GALÉRIA – Reismann Marian: Glance
ARTPHOTO GALÉRIA – 1111 Bartók Béla út 30.
Reismann Marian: Glance
2018.04.02 – 04.21.
Opening hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 15.00-19.00
Mariann Reismann’s children photographies are probably known better abroad than in Hungary. In many European countries, across North- and South-America and Australia, hundreds of professionals working with children studied about the infants’ competencies, the carefulness of their movement, or their gentle encounters with others through her pictures.
BARTÓK 1 GALÉRIA – 1114 Bartók Béla út 1.
2018.03.29 – 04.19.
Opening hours: Wednesday – Saturday 14.00-18.00
The exhibition presents human relationships and reflections inspired by a communities working at artists’ colonies. Exhibitors:
DRÉGELY Imre, HERENDI Péter, MOLNÁR Zoltán, HAID Attila, SIMONYI Zsolt, SZABÓ Norbert
B32 GALÉRIA - Melinda Kovács solo exhibition
B32 GALÉRIA – 1111 Budapest, Bartók Béla út 32.
Melinda Kovács solo exhibition
2018.04.04. – 04.27.
Opening Hours: Monday – Friday 10.00-18.00
The keys to Melinda Kovács’s pictures are the colors and the composition. Her photographs were born from the marriage of constructed reality and the aftereffects of coloring. One of her means to exploit the genre is to construct the whole environment on her pictures. Modeling and photography creates a new world: a carefully planned, but still real reality.
B32 TREZOR GALÉRIA - Deim Balázs / Space
B32 TREZOR GALÉRIA – 1111 Budapest, Bartók Béla út 32.
Deim Balázs / Space
2018.03.08. – 03.30.
Opening Hours: Monday – Friday 10.00-18.00
This exhibition combines the notion of “játék” (meaning: playing, game, toy) with the phenomena of longing for far away places and nostalgia. The photo series activates multiple interpretative layers of the concept, ranging from the act of playing with toys to the realm of the child with playing at its epicentre. The concept is also related to the creative process, the essence of which is imagination, and so it is intertwined with the artistic process based on experimentation – an integral part of this project.
BBB Office & Open Space – 1111 Budapest, Bartók Béla út 33.
Object of Desire – Group exhibition of RANDOM, the group of contemporary Hungarian photographers
2018.03.06. – 04.06.
Opening hours: Monday – Friday 10.00-15.00
By the visual dialogs and different intepretations the photographers are seeking for answers about desire, passion, sexuality, love, connection and solitude. Is love limited by time or space, how identity changes by relationships, or effected by emotional experience, social consequences. The visual poems, intimate portraits are speaking about deep emotions, reflections, social consequences of gender. Exhibitors:
INSTITUTO CERVANTES DE BUDAPEST - David Pujado: Biedma – Poems: from ink to light
INSTITUTO CERVANTES DE BUDAPEST – 1064 Budapest, Vörösmarty utca 32.
David Pujado: Biedma – Poems: from ink to light
Opening Hours: Monday – Friday 10.00-18.00
The exhibition was inspired by the Spanish poet Jaime Gil de Biedma. David Pujado about his artwork: “This project was born one day, one afternoon, when I felt the need to say many things in very few words… (thank you, I told you that you were my inspiration), so I followed Montse Ordoñez’ idea and let myself go. The result was not more than to photograph one of the poems exposed here, and was finally, the embryo of all of this.”
DEÁK 17 GALÉRIA – Tales of Ata
DEÁK 17 GALÉRIA – 1052 Budapest, Deák Ferenc utca 17. I. emelet
Tales of Ata
2018. 03.30 – 06.02.
Opening Hours: Tuesday – Friday 10.00-18.00 Saturday 9.00 – 13.00
The Hungaian photographer Ata Kando is one of the most outstanding photographers on the field of portrait, ethnographic photography and fashion photography. Now the exhibition in Deák17 Gallery provides an insight into her artworks. The pieces of Ata Kandó are interesting not only because of their mesmerizing composition, but also because of the context in which she made them. Ata made many of the artworks together with her children when they were on a family holiday. Thus the work method is interesting from a pedagogical point of view too because the child and the parent were equal partners in the creation process of the photos.
FAUR ZSÓFI GALÉRIA: Kudász Gábor Arion: Human
Faur Zsófi Galéria, 1114 Budapest, Bartók Béla út 25.
Kudász Gábor Arion: Human
2018.02.07 – 03.12.
Opening Hours: Monday – Friday 12.00-18.00
HUMAN, Arion Gábor Kudász’s newest series, which won the Capa Grand Prize in 2015, focuses on the examination of the human scale through a well-known and banal object. Cooperating with the Weinberger brickindustrial company, he took photos during two summers, in hungarian, roman and bulgarian brick factories, and on the way between them. He defines the brick as the symbol of the human scale and the symbiosis of man and technique. Works from the photo series which had not been exhibited before will be presented at our gallery.
FESTIVALCENTER / Budapest Projekt Galéria – 1053 Budapest Kossuth Lajos utca 14-16.
Join us to the EVENT FLOW, ARTIST TALK, SCREEN & TALK, PORTFOLIO REVIEW and PHOTOBOOK WORKSHOP at the Festivalcenter. Detailed program here…
FISE GALÉRIA – Dévai Zoltán: Extracts – Places
FISE Galéria – 1054 Budapest Kálmán Imre utca 16.
Dévai Zoltán: Extracts – Places
Opening hours: Monday – Friday: 13:00 – 18:00
In the works, the space is displayed exactly in 1 picture. Which includes all the details of the perceptible
total sight, but still delivers them by creating a visual ”SILENCE”.
FSZEK, KISGALÉRIA – May Contain Budapest
May Contain Budapest
2018. 04. 05. – 05. 05
Opening hours: Monday – Friday: 10.00 – 20.00, Saturday: 10.00 – 16.00
Budapest’s landscape is determined by its emlematic buildings. However, if we look further than what we see on the postcards, there is the scenery of everyday life, that we tend to ignore in our everyday rush. Our eyes got used to the environment and the ”decoration” of our everyday life. The spaces, lights, forms and moments of the streets of Budapest are represented by 6 different viewpoints of 6 different photographers.
Curator: Szilvia Mucsy Exhibitors: GASZNER Róbert, GOMBAI Gellért, KOCSIS Krisztina, MENYHÁRT Péter, MOLNÁR Anna, VIMMER Andrea
FUGA –Tell Me. Contemporary Portraits in Photography
FUGA –Budapest Center of Architecture / Estonian Institute in Hungary – 1052 Budapest, Petőfi Sándor utca 5.
Tell Me. Contemporary Portraits in Photography
2018.02.21. – 03.18.
Opening hours: Monday, Wednesday to Friday: 13.00-21.00 pm, Tuesday: closed, Saturday-Sunday: 11.00-21.00
The exhibition title (borrowed from Marge Monko’s series) considers photography as a psychoanalytical tool. A good photographic portrait surprises, even astounds the person depicted, since it brings forth something new. For the artists, the portraits are a way of exploring not only the subject, but themselves as well. The 2017 exhibition was co-produced by Tallinn Photomonth biennial and Tallinn Art Hall. Curator: Anneli Porri Exhibitors: Herkki Erich Merila, Marge Monko, Tanja Muravskaja, Alissa Nirgi, Birgit Püve, Mark Raidpere, Peeter Tooming, Anna-Stina Treumund, Sigrid Viir
FUGA – MOLNÁR Zoltán: Border Area
FUGA –Budapest Center of Architecture – 1052 Budapest, Petőfi Sándor utca 5.
MOLNÁR Zoltán: Border Area
Opening hours: Monday, Wednesday to Friday: 13.00-21.00 pm, Tuesday: closed, Saturday-Sunday: 11.00-21.00
Border Area / 2015 – 2017
Syrian and Afghani and Pakistani refugees streaming into Europe since 2015 have roiled politics and inflamed debate. But Europe’s newest arrivals are just the latest of many waves of immigrants since World War II, when Europe became home to a third of the world’s immigrants and now the continent has foreign – born populations comparable to that of the United States. Zoltán Molnár travelled through Eastern Europe to tell the stories of the ‘Border Area’ – between Hungary and Serbia, between Austria and Slovenia, between Hungary and Croatia and other places such as in an abandoned customs warehouse in Belgrade and on the street in Budapest.
HÁROMHÉT GALÉRIA – NOISE AND BUZZ, the images of noise
HÁROMHÉT Galéria – 1114 Budapest, Bartók Béla út 37.
NOISE AND BUZZ, the images of noise
2018. 03. 03 – 03. 24.
Opening hours: Tuesday – Friday: 11.00-15.00, Saturday: 12.00-18.00
Noise: irrelevant, not pertaining to the content, annoying, disturbing the information flow.
Noise and its minor form, buzz, can also be part of the content and both come in various types. The noise of noise is the buzz of buzz, another instance of noise and buss disturbing noise and buzz. Regarding the visual, it concerns disturbed e.g. fractured structures or the rotation of two or more structures relative to one another, or ‘deconstructing’ constructions. Exhibitors: MAURER Dóra, BÁLVÁNYOS Levente, CZEIZEL Balázs, JEDERÁN György, EPERJESI Ágnes, Katharina ACHT, MÓROCZ István, ROBITZ Anikó, ORBÁN György
HM Hadtörténeti Intézet és Múzeum - 100 Years of the Hungarian Military History Institute and Museum in Photos
MoD Military History Institute and Museum
Military History 1014 Budapest, Kapisztrán tér 2-4.
100 Years of the Hungarian Military History Institute and Museum in Photos
Opening hours: every day 9:00-17:00
Our event is an outdoor photographic exhibition which introduces the 100 years history of the MoD Military History Institute and Museum in the ambiance of the establishment. In the Kapisztrán Square the visitors will be able to view photographs taken from the founding of the Military History Museum until the present day, showing the building and the events of everyday life, for example the first exhibition in the Maria Theresia barracks, moving to the Kapisztrán Square, or presenting the centenary museum which survived the Second World War.
HYBRIDART SPACE - Balogh Viktória: Boards
1052 Budapest, Galamb utca 6.
BALOGH Viktória: Boards
2018.03.09. – 03.29.
Opening hours: Tuesday – Thursday: 13.00 – 17.00 PM
In her works Viktória Balogh examines the inclusion of visual traces of knowledge. The series Boards focusing on the visual transfer of knowledge by traces, the work titled Excercise Books reflecting on the circulation of knowledge and the video called Untitled process dealing with erased school boards as symbols of theoretical knowledge are all thematized around the topic: the traces of knowledge.
KARINTHY SZALON - Kéri Gáspár: Manu propria
1111 Budapest, Karinthy Frigyes út 22.
Kéri Gáspár: Manu propria
2018. 02. 27. – 03. 23.
Opening hours: Monday – Friday 11.00-18.00
The exhibition is a dialog between past and present, where the “hybridity” of traditional means and digital media can be experienced. The analogue, mostly archaizing techniques deal with those questions that are also subject to the contemporary photographer.
K.A.S. – Illés Barna: TRACE
K.A.S. – 1114 Budapest, Bartók Béla út 9.
Illés Barna: TRACE
2018.03.09. – 03.27.
Opening hours: Tuesday – Friday: 14.00 – 18.00
The real opposition to being awake is the passivity towards the sight. The world around us is being archived int he form of pictures in our minds. These accompany us and they encourage us to act or to react in certain situations. The topic if the exhibition is the connection between intuitive and acquired knowledge about the elements of our surroundings. Tradition and mutation, and the time, history that constantly rewrites them. It is an exhibition of pre-designed photo elements, expropriation and intermediality.
K.A.S. – Regős Benedek solo exhibition
K.A.S. – 1114 Budapest, Bartók Béla út 9.
Regős Benedek solo exhibition
2018.03.30. – 04.26.
Opening hours: Tuesday – Friday: 14.00-18.00
Benedek Regős graduated from MOME University of Arts in 2017 with a Masters’ Degree of Photography. In 2016, he was an exchange student at the Photo Studio of Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague (UMPRUM). Lately he has participated in several Hungarian and international exhibitions and in 2016 he was given the scholarship of the Association of Hungarian Photographers. In his works he explores the nature of photography in the light of his own culture, memory and the human-bulit, manmade heritage.
KLEBELSBERG KULTÚRKÚRIA - Association of Hungarian Creative Artists - Photo Section
KLEBELSBERG KULTÚRKÚRIA – 1028 Budapest, Templom u. 2-10.
Association of Hungarian Creative Artists – Photo Section
2018. 04. 04. – 04. 25.
Opening hours: Monday – Sunday 10.00-18.00
All artistic genres stand by themselves, however if they standing together or mingle, their effect might multiply. This time we are devoted to bring elements of contemporary Hungarian literature and photography together.
Hungarian Musum of Trade and Tourism - KULTEA GALLERY TÓTH József Füles
Hungarian Musum of Trade and Tourism – KULTEA GALLERY – 1036 Budapest Korona tér 1.
TÓTH József Füles
2018. 03.02 – 05.20.
Opening hours: Tuesday – Sunday 10.00-18.00
Tóth József Füles is both a master and a dare-devil in photo making. His craftsmenship and his sparkling mind had a special footprint in the 2nd half of the XXth century Hungarian photo artistry, and at the same time he, as a one-man-show agency, was also a decisive person of media business. His frontispieces are forwarding everlasting messages as the children of his winged spirit.
Hungarian Olympic and Sports Museum - Silverlance 2018
Hungarian Olympic and Sports Museum
– SportAgóra, 2. Ifjúság Street, Budapest 1146, Puskás Stadion Station (M2 Line)
Silverlance 2018 – Sports in contemporary Hungarian art competition
2018. 03. 13 – 04. 07
Opening hours: Tuesday – Saturday 10.00 – 17.00
A sports related arts exhibition with more than fifteen years of history behind it. One of its main submission categories is photography which exhibits the works of the best contemporary photojournalists.
MOLNÁR ANI GALÉRIA – Farkas Dénes solo exhibition
MOLNÁR ANI GALÉRIA – 1088 Budapest, Bródy Sándor utca 36.
Farkas Dénes solo exhibition
2018. 02. 01 – 03. 03.
Opening hours: Tuesday – Friday: 12.00-18.00, Saturday 11.00-17.00, Monday & Sunday closed
Dénes Farkas’ solo exhibition focuses on issues of choice, uncertainty, insecurity and preparedness. The exhibition is inspired by the novel An Unnecessary Woman by Lebanese-American writer Rabih Alameddine. The quotes from the book are set in dialogue with the visual material photographed at seed banks all around the world, these institutions are established for preserving biodiversity and guaranteeing global food security. By pairing these two topics, the artist reveals the deceptiveness and fragility of temporary security.
MOLNÁR ANI GALÉRIA – Marge Monko: Women of the World, Raise Your Right Hand
MOLNÁR ANI GALÉRIA – 1088 Budapest, Bródy Sándor utca 36.
Marge Monko: Women of the World, Raise Your Right Hand
2018. 03. 08. – 04.23.
Opening hours: Tuesday – Friday: 12.00-18.00, Saturday 11.00-17.00, Monday & Sunday closed
Marge Monko’s latest solo exhibitions, and not just the Women of the World, Raise Your Right Hand is the best way to find the phenomenon of beauty, desire, luxury and fairness and its representaires, by collecting its imagery and slogans of the the mainstream advertisement industry. The presented video-work, photographs and installs the illustrations to explore the relationship between publicity and cultural values.
MYMUSEUM GALÉRIA – 1074 Budapest, Dohány utca 30/a.
2018. 04. 06 – 06. 03.
Opening hours: Wednesday – Saturday 14.00-20.00, Sunday 14.00-18.00
The show addresses issues about the relativity of time and how it relates to its surrounding space in three venues. The concept is built on the fundamental feature of the exhibition spaces, that is, their urban location. The three venues can be found on three leves of the city in three places of different functions. Underground, on street-level, at a mezzazine. Exhibitors: MARTINKÓ Márk, NAGY Tibor, PITI Marcell, Isabel VAL
Istituto Italiano di Cultura Budapest – Galleria Xenia Emanuele MASCIONI: Bor Notebook
Istituto Italiano di Cultura Budapest – Galleria Xenia – 1088 Budapest, Bródy Sándor u. 8
Emanuele MASCIONI: Bor Notebook
2018. 03. 28. – 04. 27.
.Opening hours: Monday –Thursday 10.00-18.00; Friday 10.00-15.00
The town of Bor exists and develops due to the RTB Bor copper mine which is one of the largest in Europe. It was an important resource at the time of Tito’s Yugoslavia and today it is at the centre of the Government’s attention because of the low price of copper, which prevents it from actively managing the property and paying off the public debt. The town proper was founded in 1945 and little can be said about its history except that there was a Nazi internment and labour camp in its hinterland. On May 20, 1944, the Hungarian poet Miklós Radnóti was deported and locked up in the Heidenau camp. He was shot on the nape together with twenty-one of his physically and psychically broken companions on 4 November 1944 at the outskirts of Abda, near to the city of Győr. The news got around among local people, and on their report the mass grave was opened at the end of June 1946. During the exhumation several documents as well as a 14,5×10 cm large notebook with thirty leaves were found in the clothes of Radnóti.
PETŐFI IRODALMI MÚZEUM - Country, city, famous man. The poet, János Arany and the art of photography
Petőfi Irodalmi Múzeum – 1053 Budapest, Károlyi utca 16.
Country, city, famous man. The poet, János Arany and the art of photography
2018. 03. 20 – 05. 27.
Opening Hours: Tuesday – Sunday 10:00-18:00.
The title of the exhibition refers to a popular game where answers must be given starting with the same letter. The exhibition assumes the point of view of one person, poet János Arany, who was born 200 years ago, in exploring the photography customs of the late 19th century and showcase photographs taken of Arany, his family and his environment, some of which have never been on display before. Arany was barely past 20 when the invention of photography was publicized. During his life, he was photographed by professionals only four times, and yet his life’s work gives us numerous links to the precursors and the contemporary practice of this new imaging technology. The emblematic photo of the Arany family was taken by Antal Országh, an unfairly forgotten lensman, whose oeuvre is also commemorated by the exhibition.
TOBE GALLERY – 1088 Budapest, Bródy Sándor utca 36.
2017.02.15 – 03.14.
Opening hours: Wednesday – Friday: 14:00-18:00, Saturday: 11.00-15.00
I am but an explorer in the realms of the invisible. In silent wonderment, I strive to understand and capture the invisible phenomena, its whereabouts, and events -past and/or future- that moulds our world. Attentive to the message within the obvious (everything that surrounds us), I look for their portals to sneak in. For the obvious are just fingers that point towards the various invisible planes. I am but a seeker of those higher realms where answers for the heart await. Lili(ana) © 2017
TOBE GALLERY – Dafna Talmor: Constructed Landscapes
TOBE GALLERY – 1088 Budapest, Bródy Sándor utca 36.
Dafna Talmor: Constructed Landscapes
2017.03.22 – 04.21.
Opening hours: Wednesday – Friday: 14:00-18:00, Saturday: 11.00-15.00
This ongoing body of work consists of staged landscapes made of collaged and montaged colour negatives shot across different locations that include Israel, Venezuela, the UK and USA. Initially taken as mere keepsakes, landscapes are merged and transformed through the act of slicing and splicing. The resulting photographs are a conflation, ‘real’ yet virtual and imaginary. This conflation aims to transform a specific place – initially loaded with personal meaning, memories and connotations – into a space that has been emptied of subjectivity and becomes universal.
VÁRFOK PROJECT ROOM – Misetics Mátyás: Dark Matter
VÁRFOK PROJECT ROOM – 1012 Budapest Várfok utca 14.
Misetics Mátyás: Dark Matter
2018.04.20 – 06.02.
Opening hours: Tuesday – Saturday 11.00-18.00
An exhibition showing the most recent series of Mátyás Misetics, one of the young photographers of the Várfok Gallery’s permanent artist circle will be on view at the Várfok Project Room. Though his work, one can encounter a consciously and organically evolving oeuvre, the defining notions of which are: the night’s darkness, empty streets, staged scenes, artificial lights and compositions distanced from reality.
VILTIN – Miklos GAÁL (FIN): The Big Picture. Works 2003-2010
VILTIN – 1061 Budapest Vasvári Pál utca 1.
Miklos GAÁL (FIN): The Big Picture. Works 2003-2010
2018.03.01. – 03.24.
Opening hours: Tuesday – Friday 13.00-18.00, Saturday: 11.00-17.00
The images of Miklos GAÁL made with analogue technique allow for variation in the depth of focus within a single photograph. It is not the image, that we see, but the act of seeing that corresponds to the relationship of each idea to reality he methodically brings to consciousness in his works. GAÁL’s completely new perspective directs the attention toward the process of the spectator’s perception of reality — which is the true reference point of his work.
Yunus Emre Turkish Cultural Centre – LP ALPER: Turkey from 1000 feet
YUNUS EMRE ENSTITÜSÜ Turkish Cultural Centre – 1062 Budapest, Andrássy út 62.
ALP ALPER: Turkey from 1000 feet
2018. 03. 21.-04. 21.
Opening hours: Monday – Friday 9:00-18:00
Alp Alper famous Turkish photographer took some of the most must-be-seen places in Turkey from a plane with 1000 feet height.
1062 Budapest, Andrássy út 62.