About us

The Budapest Photo Festival is an annual city-wide exhibition series what represents the contemporary and classical values of the photography by the presence of the Hungarian and international art scene. The aim of the Festival is to create Budapest to be the „City of Photography”.

The festival has two highlighted exhibitions as a frame: the opening international show and a Hungarian contemporary overview. The emphasis, – next to the two highlighted exhibitions – , is on the presentation of the national and international contemporary scene, by the program of the biggest galleries, museums and the International Cultural Institutes of the Hungarian Capital. The Festival involves many public and professional programs also: lectures, workshops, photomarathon, museum educational events, portfolio review.

In the 2020 our international partners are the Institut Francais Budapest, Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Cervantes Institute, Czech Center Budapest, Korean Cultural Center, Mexican Embassy, Österreich Institut Budapest, Polish Institute Budapest, The Slovak Institute in Budapest, Yunus Emre Enstitüsü, Turkish Cultural Center, Museum partners are the Műcsarnok (Kunstahale), Kiscelli Museum, Petőfi Literary Museum, Robert Capa Contemporary Photography Center, Hungarian Olympic and Sports Museum, Hungarian Museum of Trade and Tourism, Museum of Military History, Szabó Ervin Central Library, Kisgaléria and the biggest galleries: Artphoto Gallery, ArtBázis, Bartók 32 Gallery, D17 Gallery, Deák Erika Gallery, Faur Zsófi Gallery, FISE Gallery, FUGA – Budapest Center of Architecture, Három Hét Gallery, HybridArt Space, K.A.S. Gallery, Molnár Ani Gallery, MyMuseum, Platán Gallery, TOBE Gallery, Várfok Project Room and Viltin Gallery, Ybl Buda Creative House. To represent the younger generation the Festival presents many public program involved the significant members of the photographic scene: Moholy-Nagy Art University, the Hungarian Press Agency, Fortepan, National Association of Hungarian Journalists, Pictorial Collective, National Association of Hungarian Artists.

The Festival is under the patronage of the Deputy Mayor of the Municipality of Budapest, supported by the Municipality of Budapest and a member of the Photo European Network (PHEN).

The Team:
Szilvia Mucsy  Photographer, Director of the Festival
Rita Somosi  Art Historian, Curator of the Festival 
Gabriella Csizek Co-Curator, Curator of the Robert Capa Center
Daniel Kiss Communication Manager of the Festival

Founded by:
Szilvia Mucsy & Rita Somosi